Friday, 4 May 2007

with the top of your voice sing a new song

When we go on any kind of journey in the car at some point we all have to sit quietly and listen to our daughter sing a song. The song is generally one she is making up on the spot there and then. If any one dares to speak or sing a long to her catchy tune then we get into trouble. She likes us to listen to her and not to interupt her. Josie loves to sing at the top of her voice. Her made up songs are generally about Jesus. Although she sings about pretty much anything. She has a lovely sweet voice but her songs don't always make sense. Sometimes we have to give her a time limit, because she can make up a song that will last for quite a long time!

It's not that difficult to sing a new song to the Lord. It's great to do it. I would encourage anyone when they get into the presence of God to have a go at singing at the top of your voice a made up song to the Lord. A song that speaks from the heart.

I Know that when Josie is singing at the top of her voice it allows her to express herself and she enjoys herself. It is fun to her. To everyone else in the car it can sometimes (not all the time) be an endurance test! When I sing a new song in the presence of God or going about my business in the home I feel like my spirit is rising. There is a praise that is rising like a sweet aroma to the Lord. I have not got the most gifted voice. But when I lift my voice to the Lord, and I'm singing from the heart it does not matter what I sound like, I know I'm touching God.

A new song to the Lord
I wait patiently for you O Lord
I wait patiently for you.
I desire to hear you Lord
I desire to know your voice.
Help me to be sensitive to your Spirit
Help me be attentive to your voice
You are my Lord
You are my Salvation
You are my Joy
You are my Peace O Lord my God
Creator of heaven and earth.
My King and my God
You have created all that is good.
You deserve all our praise and worship.
You deserve nothing less than our whole lives.
Magnificent God,
that you would choose to have me as your child.
Your grace is so amazing
You are so amazing.
by sja


Anonymous said...

Josie and I have a lot in common! Unfortunately as soon as I start singing the girls reach for the CDs. I shall have to try and persuade them to give me a time limit. How long does Josie get?

Gavin White said...

Great Words and a Great Post Judith

Anonymous said...

An awesome reminder, Judith. =-)

Anna Sacha said...

tht is so true. i luv singing in the Spirit is the most beautiful thing I have experienced till now. it is as if u soar to new heights of intimacy with God in a completely different dimension. and the cool thing is one can do it anywhere!!