Wednesday, 25 April 2007

We Are Family

We are going through a whole new way of church meeting in the homes. It is very exciting doing something new and different to anything ever done before. It will be a great time to be family together. Its about being a people that are together whose lives are intermingled with oneanother. A complete sharing of our lives with one another.

This is a challenge in it self. The culture we live in today is all about fiting everything in around our busy schedule. If it does not fit then it can't be done. We need to change our mindset that if it does not fit then we need to change our busy lifestyle. Our lifstyle has to fit in with our church family not our church family fit in with our busy lifestyle. Easier said than done, but I'm up for the challenge!

There will be times that we will have to decide to look to the interest of others. This will mean sacrificing time, energy, money and material possesions. Especially if we are going to meet the needs of others. Hebrews 13 verse 16 (niv)says:-

"And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased."

We can often strive to do good in the hope to please God. The Bible here makes it easy for us to know how to please God. It is as simple as sharing. Lets face it we all have something we can share. If I think about what I have to share too much, I can struggle and find it hard to give it up. I don't mean to be selfish, but we have been brought us in a society that says to meet our own needs first then to look to others that may have a need. But if I hold onto everything lightly and do not allow myself to think selfishly of what I will miss out on, instead say to God you can have whatever I have it's yours. Then sharing becomes a lot easier. Sometimes sharing is a sacrifice other wise it would not say it in the word, we are blessed when we hold onto that which we have to share lightly.

Sharing does not even mean let others have whats left over after I've had what I want or need. Its great when we are blessed enough to do this because we have more than we need and can give the rest. It can also mean sharing so that I have less. the other day I made my self some soup. The kids had had their dinner, and I was having mine a little later. Josie my daughter saw how delicious it looked and continued to pick up my bread and started dipping it into my soup. Before I knew it she was sharing my soup with me. I didn't mind because I love her, she's my daughter, part of my family. I could have quite easily said this is my dinner, leave it alone. I enjoyed sharing it with her, but there was a cost. I got less than I prepared for my self, less than I thought I needed.

I want my church family to be my family. Not just something I say, but something I live for.

1 comment:

Gavin White said...

Great Article Judith - Really challenging and inspiring - It's great to be part of God's family, and be able to share with one another for the glory of God.