Monday 27 March 2006

Jumping Ship!

Sometimes when things get a little difficult, just to escape from the situatiion seems like the only option.

"unless these men stay with the ship, you cannot be saved", so the soilders cut the ropes that held the lifeboat and let it fall away. (Acts 27V31 NIV)

When situations become difficult we must not 'jump ship', especially when we are part of a community. We should hold on and trust that God's plans are perfect. There will be many times in our walk that it all seems too much for us. God will not allow us to face anything beyond we can cope with so we must take courage.

Wanting the easy way may seem to be the right thing to do, but, what effect will this have on others. If we listen to what some people say to us, we could hear, "Do what makes you happy." Which may not really be the best for us, especially if it's not God plan for us.

How we speak is really important. When things around us seem to be against us, knowing that we are in the right place can really help our confession. The way we speak can bring life and hope to any situation. I know that when I've seen something of Gods plan and purpose in a situation, it does not matter what goes on around me. I'm secure in what I see. When I'm not sure, I can get a little wobbly! When I feel like this, being around people who are encouraging and can see what I'm struggling to see, challenges me to keep on going. That's why I know it's important to watch the way I act and speak, that it brings life and not doubt. I don't know if anyone reading this is a little like me and can sometimes get caught up in the flow. When doubt and uncertainty is being confessed, I have to make a concious effort not to join in! It can be difficult to cut across others doubting and bring faith.

When the lifeboat looks inviting, we must ask ourselves, "is this where I see God leading me". Leaning on our own understanding and wisdom can be fatal. We must always look to see what the word of God is in that situation and not what seems to be right in out own minds. It is such a privilige to hear God. This is a privilige that God has given to all those who seek him. I know that when God speaks, the ropes to the life boat may as well not be there because I am sticking to the plan God has given no matter what!

God has given you the lives of everyone who sails with you (Acts 27 v 24). I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me (Acts 27 v 25).


Anonymous said...

Wonderful entry Judith, this encourages us to be a single-minded and mature people when we are tested.

Anonymous said...

Your are so preaching to me right now ! Of this you have no idea !!
Just keep on being you Judith it works...big time !!

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.