Tuesday 23 May 2006

Those In Authority

Have you ever been unsure about something and just need somone who has an authority in that area to put your mind at ease?

I took Nathan to the doctors today. He has a rash that started on just his front this morning. I thought it might be a heat rash. As the day progressed he seem to get a little unsettled and would not eat anything. When I bathed him to get him settled for the night, I noticed his rash had spread to all over his body. Everywhere was covered. Now I started to wonder what it was. He wasn't really complaining that much, but I knew he wasn't himself, so I made up my mind to ask someone who could tell me what the matter was. Someone that would put my mind at ease. I knew really it wasn't anything to worry about, but I just needed that someone to reasure me.

It is so good to have people around us we can go to. I know that if I have a worry or concern in my life I can go to the leaders in the church, the ones I consider to have the authority of God and talk through these things. There is something powerful, as well as directing and comforting to have house group leaders and elders to turn to (Romans13:1). They can minister peace in a time of uncertainty. It is always good to remember to turn to these people when we are a little unsure. If they don't have the answers they can stand with us and pray. God always has the answer.

The doctor told me what was wrong, praise God it wasn't serious, I kind of knew it wouldn't be but I left feeling satisfied and assured. This is how it should be when we have spent time with those who have the authority of God. We must pray for those who are in authority over us. Remember that we too who are in Christ have authority from God to do his work. Being in a house group/cell group we can be used by God in this way and we can minister peace to those around us when needed (Luke 9:1 and Luke 10:19).


Anonymous said...

Very good Judith.One of the problems in the body of christ nowadays is that alot of people do not want to submit to authority.They want to be told what they want to hear all the time and for God to bless and endorse their own ways.Thank God for godly leadership.I heard someone say the other day that it's more important who you're under than who you're over.

Gavin White said...

Great Post Judith, Our view of authority is so important. You are right, Godly Authority brings security and assurance to our lives. I like how Paul puts it in 2 Cor 13:10 -

'...the authority the Lord gave me for building you up, not for tearing you down...'

judith said...

Thanks. I like that verse too Gav