Thursday 4 May 2006

Have You Voted Yet?

Well I have! I did mine by post earlier this week. It takes the pressure off taking an extra trip out of my routine. I find it difficult to know who to vote for. I know what policies I like, I even know what I think of some of the politicians. But nothing is certain. Who can we really trust.

Before I put my mark in the box of the one I think I might vote for I always pray. I know God is in control, and praise God we can trust him! So yes I've voted and now I pray that whoever gets in will know the wisdom of God and will be faithful to the task they have.


Gavin White said...

Excellent Judith - It's great to vote, and pray for those in government both locally and nationally - Like you say though, God is in control and he is the ultimate authority over everything!

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for this post Judith as i do not believe that church should be seperated from state.We are nation changers and history makers.