Saturday, 1 April 2006

Women Getting Together

Thanks to Elvis and Nicole and their many helpers, the ladies today had a fantastic time together.

I really enjoy Sunday mornings, being with the people of God, worshipping and listening to the word. Although quite often Sunday mornings can be a little bit of a rush. Especially when gathering my hungry kids and getting them home for their dinner before they ravish all the biscuits in tea and coffee! I sometimes get the chance to catch up with one or two people, keeping an eye on the children as they are diving around. Hoping they don't send anyone flying who are holding their tea or coffee. I occasionally get to meet someone new. As our church is fantastically big and is growing, I am very much aware of the fact I haven't a clue who a fraction of the people are who I worship with every Sunday.

Today has been a fantastic day to get to know some of the wonderful women that I am joined with. We had lunch and fellowship. I believe a lot of the women that joined me today for lunch also had a great time. I was so happy having had a lovely lunch and meeting some new people.


Anonymous said...

i totally agree Judith. Many thanks for organising the day and thanks to Elvis and Nicole and the guys who prepared such an awesome meal. i had a great time and it was such a blessing to chat with people that I have never had the opportunity to speak to before. it was such a blessing. looking forward to the women's prophetic day as well. cheers

Anonymous said...

I know ! (as I have always known)that as the woman anointed the body of Jesus with the alabaster box of ointment that God is going to use the women to anoint the body of Christ in these last days like never before.It is going to happen !!!and the devil CANNOT do a thing about it !!!

Anonymous said...

It was such a fab lunch. Thanks for organiazing it Judith. We should def do it again!
Spending time with annointed and fantastic women of God is SO worth while as we build amazing covenant relationships!
love Rach Cole x