Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Created for Purpose

Josie loves making things. Now it is the Easter holidays I'm constantly kept busy helping her with making things. From making crowns and wands to cakes. Cutting and glueing, drawing and painting, it will all be done and more besides before the holiday has ended. Josie always has a purpose in mind for her creations. She get so much enjoyment with the finished product. At the sound of her daddy walking through the door, Josie will run with excitement to show him todays creation.

I enjoy seeing her creations. I enjoy being a part of creating them. There is something in all of us that loves to create something. When we create that something how great it feels when that something is really usefull, or someone else gets pleasure from it. It could be a really artistic painting or a delicious cake or an instrament to be played.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8 v 28 NIV

I know God created us for a purpose. When I think of the pleasure we get from our own creations I know God takes great delight is us when we are fulfilling the purpose for which we were created for.

God loves you and created you for his purpose, even when we get our selves into sticky and messy situations, He is there and will clean us up and will enable us to get back on track. When my youngest gets himself into a mess with a chocolate biscuit, and wants to give me a hug and a kiss. I love him so much, but I'm not going to want to get too close to him in this state and keep him at arms length until I've cleaned him up. Once he's had his wash I'll let him come close again.

Our heavenly father wants to get close to us and use us for his purpose, but he wants us to allow him to clean us up and get right with him.

None of us were an accident. We were created by our living and amazing father. We have a purpose. God would not create something that is useless. If you believe that then you believe that you have a purpose. Whatever situation you find yourself in, if you love God then God works for your good. He will fill you with his Holy Spirit so that you can fulfill your purpose, for which you were created for.


awesome*dandelion said...

aaaaah Judith! I miss you! Great post :-)

Emily said...

We love the photos and your blog.
The chocolate face is a great analogy. Its amazing to think that the almighty God has a purpose for our lives and has put us where we are for such a time as this!