Tuesday 11 July 2006

Finding the right balance

Is it me or does housework take up so much time. There is always something to do. It's really hard to keep up. I'm not someone who enjoys housework, (who does?) , I guess there are those that do. However, I am motivated by having a tidy house. Sometimes I feel like there is so much I'd like to do but I think I'd better put another load of washing on first or put away the toys spewed all over the living room floor. Then find actually now it's time for bed, I'd better read my Bible because I've not done it yet! Then there are days I just look at the house work and think, "I'll leave that till another day". Everything inside is saying no and the guilt comes.

This reminds me of the story of Mary at Jesus' feet while Martha was getting on with what needed to be done. I feel for Martha. I can imagine her busily getting on with her jobs thinking if only you would help I'd have it finished by now then I can sit at Jesus' feet too. Then I think what must Mary have been going through, "I know there are jobs to do but there will always be something, I may never get a moment like this again".

Mary certainly made the right choice. What is the point in having a perfectly clean and tidy house, being tired out because it's perfect, and never having the time to have quality time with friends, family and God. Having the right balance is important. Praise God that Jesus will always give us the wisdom to find it.

1 comment:

jul said...

That was so encouraging to me. I feel exactly the same way and I definately go from one extreme to the other-cleaning cleaning one day, throwing my hands up the next! The truth is, I miss Jesus sometimes. I need him more than anything and it's worth risking not being approved of by others. And let's face it, if my husband comes home to a messy house and says "what did you do today" he'll be quite happy to hear "I spent time with God and it was great". Thanks for your thoughts.