Tuesday 20 June 2006

M6 Toll Road v M6

We are faced with so many choices. Have you ever made a choice and thought, maybe I made the wrong decision. When we go to visit Richards parents in Leighton Buzzard, we go onto the M6 Toll. Before you get to the junction that goes M6 or M6 Toll you need to have already decided which one to take. If you carried on with the flow you would automatically go onto the M6 Toll road, and end up paying the price for an easier run. It's sometimes easier to think well if there is a cost involved then it must be better, or "we are on this road now, might as well carry on!"I sometimes think it might not be busy on the other road and we could pocket the few pounds we would have spent. I wonder how many people go through life not actually realising that every action we take, first there came a choice. A lot of our choices and decisions could be the same old ones we make time and time again. It could be that we go with the flow and just do what is expected. However we make a choice there is always a cost involved.

Richard preached a great word a couple of Sundays ago. One that will challenge anyone who hears it What Will You Choose. I really recommend anyone that's not heard it to listen to it, or even listen to it again if you have.

I am challenged not to always make the same choices just because that's what I always do. I'd like the choices I make to cause those around me to be challenged by God. There is always a cost involved. If we decided not to go down the same new route of the M6 Toll, and decided to go down the M6. We would save paying the money, but would the cost be a busier route. We are faced with so many choices, like what mood am I in this morning. I can choose to change that mood or stay in it. Or do I witness today or shall I just leave it and wait for an opportunity. Richard in his word pointed out a fundamental truth that if we always wait for an opportunity we may never ever witness. There came a point where we chose to witness or not regardless of opportunities. Do I watch this film, everyone else is sat here watching it. Or we choose not to stop something because its a habbit we've allowed ourselves to get in. Or we choose not to start something because we've not got round to it. I've only touched the surface of the word that came those sundays ago. Listen to it and be prepared to change in the way you choose.


Anonymous said...

Richards preach was so challenging, i listend to it again the other night and have found myself reminding myself to choose life.

judith said...

It's so true Ant that it's a decision that we don't just make the once, but each day we have that choice to make.

Anonymous said...

This is a great post Judith, I am encouraged to look afresh at the choices I make each day.

Gavin White said...

Great Post Judith that follows up a great word from your husband! - What a team you make. Faith filled choices in every aspect of life will enable us to see great fruit for the Kingdom of God.