Tuesday 6 June 2006

Full When Overflowing

This weekend has been a fantastatic weekend. I went to a conference in Manchester at Kings Church where I enjoyed hearing Keri Jones our apostle talk about the things of God around the world. As a people we are ministries without borders. When there is a place God wants us to go there is absolutely nothing or no one that can stop us from entering, no matter how humanly impossible it looks.
We must contstantly be full of the Holy Spirit, so that we can be an effective people of God. I took a picture (above) to illustrate that we are not full until we are overflowing. Which means our source must constantly be filling us up again and again. It never stops pouring in.

1 comment:

Gavin White said...

Great Post - Yes, I loved what Keri said about how you only something is truly full is when it is overflowing - Exciting Stuff!