How easy it is to think "I've had enough of that, now I'd like to move onto the next thing." or when crisis comes we pray for change or the opening of doors. We can then get a little frustrated when nothing seems to be happening. When crisis comes we must see it as an opportunity to glorify God with our reaction and faithfulness, rather than run to the nearest exit.
I am a firm believer that most things happen or don't happen for a reason, especially if your root desire is to serve God.
When praying for change, or doors to be open, a question to ask ourself is "Have we fulfilled the purposes of God in the present situation, or is there still more to do?"
I've recently been asking God for wisdom in a certain situation of my life which I wanted to change and have not really seen a way forward. This has caused me to believe that God has not finished with me yet and I have not yet seen the fullness of why I was put here in the first place.
Change is good and exciting when it comes at the right time and is clear that it is part of the purposes of God. Lets not rush onto the next thing but see what fruit if any we are meant to be producing. Even though I wanted to move on I can see I've not yet produced the fruit that God had intended, therefore I must get my focus back to the here and now.
If I am not faithful and fruitful now in what has been given me then why would God trust me with a new and exciting venture. If it's a crisis that's pushing for a way out, see it as an opportuinty to be used by God. Having success will set you up for even greater things.
We can still look to the future with excitement, knowing that God has amazing things in store for his children. We are his children if we love him and are obedient to him. When it is clear that there is no fruit to be produced we should take care not to waste our time and energy and the right doors will open.
Lets "seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matt 6:33-34 NIV).
As soon as we have allowed ourselves to be used to fulfill Gods purposes by being obedient and shown willingness to serve. Then He will use us again. God is in control of every situation. Nothing happens without his agreement. Our obedience to his commands could be the key to unlock the door so that we can move on.
Now when I am praying for change in my life, I'm praying it with faith that I will accomplish all that God has for me to do now!